イラナ・ハルペリン創作プロジェクト:フォトレポート1 Progress Photo Report #1: Ilana Halperin's Art-Science Project
BEPPU PROJECTでは現在、スコットランド在住のアメリカ人アーティスト、イラナ・ハルペリンさんによる別府での創作プロジェクト『地質学的むつまじさ(湯の花)』の活動を、現地レポートという形でお手伝いしています。
We BEPPU PROJECT are currently supporting 'Geologic Intimacy (Yu no Hana)', a new art-science project by Scotland based American artist Ilana Halperin. Our main role is providing on-site reports throughout the development period.
■当時の様子はこちらをご参照ください→ STAFF BLOG 2014/03/26
Ilana first came to Beppu in March 2014 and visited various hot-springs in the city to do research for her artwork. During her residency, she photographed, filmed, sketched, and did some experiments of forming geothermal sculptures by putting wooden or bamboo objects into the hot-springs.
■To view the photo report of Ilana's initial residency in 2014, please visit: STAFF BLOG 2014/03/26
今回は鉄輪温泉の旅館・施設の協力を受け、2015年の6月より計5カ所の温泉内に、自作のオブジェを設置しています。設置は来年の9月まで継続し、オブジェにくっついて育ってゆく温泉の鉱物(湯の花)の変化を、BEPPU PROJECTが記録し続けていきます。今回はそのフォトレポートの第1回目です。
Thanks to the warm support from project partners in Kannawa, we have installed ceramic and sandstone objects at five different hot-spring locations in Kannawa. Those objects will be left until Ilana's solo exhibition in Kannawa in September 2016 and the development - how the geothermal minerals (Yu no Hana) of Kannawa hot-spring will form over time - will be photo reported by us, BEPPU PROJECT throughout. And this is the first photo report.
Project Title: 'Geologic Intimacy (Yu no Hana)'
Project Website:
1:ひょうたん温泉/ Hyotan Onsen
Some objects are installed within the hot-spring cooling bamboo structure called 'Yumetake'. This one was originally in milky white but look how it looks now! It seems that the brown-red minerals has been 'penetrating into' the object bearing up under the running hot-spring from the Yumetake cooling structure.
This one is installed within the hot-spring beside the Gensen (source of spring) pipes. The deposit seems a bit more powdery.
2:旅館みかさや/ Ryokan Mikasaya
Objects being installed in the hot-spring tank in one of the bathrooms, seem to have developed lots of deep brown-red deposit. Due to the quite smooth object surface, the deposit seems a bit crumbly.
3:鉄輪 柳屋/ Yanagiya

This is the object placed in the Gensen hot-spring at Yanagiya. The deposit texture seems like a solid 'cocoa powder'. It makes us wonder if we can make paint colour out of this pigment-like Yu no Hana deposit...
4:砂原温泉/ Sunahara Onsen

4:砂原温泉/ Sunahara Onsen

At Sunahara Onsen where is located just across the road of the central Kannawa Onsen area. Some white salty deposit has developed on the thin long object and some bumpy patterns has emerged presumably due to its flat shape of the object.
4:ホテル風月 / Hotel Fugetsu
This object has been taking high temperature steams from the hot-spring pipe directly for long time. It has developed some milky white deposit like a skin.
The next photo report is scheduled in December. We are looking forward to reporting how these Ilana's geothermal sculptures will take shape over time!
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